The Oceania Defence 762 Titanium Alpine Hunter Suppressor uses the latest flow technology for the best sound reduction in the least size.
Designed for any 7.62mm or smaller non-magnum bolt action. This suppressor pushes the boundaries for robust, lightweight hunting applications.
If you are really serious about weight saving but want a good solid can, this is the suppressor you need.
The 762 Alpine Hunter Suppressor uses the latest flow technology for the best sound reduction in the least size. Designed for any 762 or smaller non-magnum bolt action. This suppressor pushes the boundaries for robust, lightweight hunting applications.
If you are really serious about weight saving but want a good solid can, this is the suppressor you need.
The suppressor is sold with an insert for the appropriate barrel thread. It needs a minimum of 2.5mm minimum shoulder diameter larger than the major diametre of the thread for a good fit.
Price includes one insert.
Initial sound testing using BK2209 with BK4136 at 1 Meter left of muzzle and 1.6 meter high:
- 20" Rem 700 Barrel using 147 grain Nato 762 at 2597 FPS: 142
- 20" Rem 700 Barrel using 147 grain Nato 762 at 2584 FPS no suppressor: 168
- 20" Rem 700 Barrel using 147 grain Nato 762 at 2597 FPS measured at ear: 133
This can is built from Ti6Al4V Grade 5 which is 90%Titanium, 6% aluminium and 4% Vanadium using a selective laser melting process. This process provides a completely monolithic structure for added strength with minimal weight.
The suppressor is then stress relieved, heat treated and nitrided to provide a yield strength of around 1000 MPA and 1200 UTS. The internal structures have a 65 Rock C surface hardness due to the nitriding which drops back to 39 over the next 28 microns which increases the baffle longevity.
This suppressor is designed for bolt action rates of fire around 1 per second for 5 rounds followed by 5 minutes cooling.